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Fast 6 days of Shawwal

Fast 6 days of Shawwal

Rewards of the fasting six days of Shawwal. 毓賳 兀亘賷 兀賷賵亘 丕賱兀賳氐丕乇賷 乇囟賷 丕賱賱賴 毓賳賴 兀賳賴 丨丿孬賴 兀賳 乇爻賵賱 丕賱賱賴 氐賱賶 丕賱賱賴 毓賱賷賴 賵爻賱賲 賯丕賱 賲賳 氐丕賲 乇賲囟丕賳 .孬賲 兀鬲亘毓賴 爻鬲丕 賲賳 卮賵丕賱 賰丕賳 賰氐賷丕賲 丕賱丿賴乇 “Abu Ayyub al-Ansari (Radi Allah Anhu) reported...
Charity In Ramadan

Charity In Ramadan

Ramadan is a blessed month, it is a time for self-contemplation, spiritual gains and reconnecting with the Almighty. Muslims worldwide try to make the most of this month by taking part in regular and congregational prayers, reading the Quran, forgiving people, being...