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Sunnah Is To Greets, Handshake And Embrace.

by | Mar 17, 2015

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How to greets, handshake, and embrace?

Here are the few ways to greets, handshake and embrace in the light of Sunnah,

  • Greet the Muslims

 When a Muslim meets another, then they should greet with the Islamic greeting, which is:

Asalaamu Alaikum Warahmatullaahi Wabarakaathuh

“Peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah descend upon you.”

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, 

That person who greets first without waiting for the other person to greet is closer to Allah. (Bukhari)

One should greet every Muslim, i.e., those one knows and does not know. (Ibid)

Note: Exceptions are that women are not expected to speak to non-mahram men.

  • To make greets to children.

It has been mentioned in the hadith of Bukhari and Muslim that once Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) passed by a group of children and made Salaam to them, we deduce that it is Sunnah to make Salaam to children as well. 

(Muslim Vol.2, pg. 214)

  • Greet the Elder One

The young should always greets the elderly, the walking should always greet the sitting, and the fewer should greet the many (Ibid)

To greet again the person from whom one has parted company, even if such a parting was only for a short while (Baihaqi)

  • Entering and Leaving Home

To greet when entering or leaving home (Whether one’s own house or that of another).

“Allah is guaranteed for that person who greets and then enters his house.” (Al-Adabul Mufrid)

Allah suffices for him during his life and after his death, and Jannah shall be his abode.

  • Greeting in Louder Voice

One should greets loud enough for the one for whom the greeting is intended. (Ibid)

  • Answered the Greeting

If a third person’s greetings are conveyed to one, then they should be answered in the following manner:-

Wa Alaika Wa Alaihissalaam

“Peace be upon you and him.” (Abu Dawud)

  • Shaking Hand

Rasulullah (SAW) has said that the perfect way to greet is to shake hands. (Mishkaat)

While shaking hands, the following dua should be read:-

Yaghfirullaahu lanai walakum. (Mishkaat)

He forgives us and you

Both hands should be used in handshakes. It is not sufficient that one’s fingers touch the others, but one’s palms should be firmly grasped. However, such pressure should not be applied that would cause pain or discomfort for the other.

Whenever the Sahaaba met, they shook hands with one another, and on returning from a journey, they used to embrace one another. (Attargheeb)

Women should also greet each other by shaking hands. (Baihaqi)

Note: – Males should NOT greets nor shake hands with women. This ruling applies to those females one can marry. Hence it is permissible that one can greet and shake hands with one’s mother, sister, daughter, aunt, granny, wife, etc

  • Forgiveness for those who give Salaam

Al-Bara’ ibn Azib (RA) narrated that the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said:

“If two Muslims meet, shake hands, praise Allah, and ask Him for forgiveness, they will be forgiven.” 

(Abu Dawood)

  • Hazrat Muhammad(PBUH) to greet People:

Rasulullah’s (SAW) habit was to wait with the person meeting him until the person departed. Also, he would not remove his hand from the person shaking it until the other removed his. Rasulullah (SAW) also never turned his face away from anyone. If someone wanted to whisper something to him, he took his ear close to the speaker and did not depart until the speaker had completed what they were saying. (Nasai)

If Rasulullah (SAW) wished to call somebody whose name he did not know, then he used to call out to him with the words: –

“Yaa ibn Abdullah”:- 

O Son of Allah’s slave”.

  • End a Three-Day Dispute with Salaams

Abu Hurayrah (RA) narrated that the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said:

“It is not allowable for a believer to keep from a believer for more than three days. If three days pass, he should meet him and give him a salutation, and if he replies to it, they will both have shared in the reward; but if he does not reply, he will bear his sin (according to Ahmad’s version), and the one who gives the salutation will have come forth from the sin of keeping apart.” 

(Abu Dawood 4894)

  • Greets on Eid

Jabyr ibn Nufayr (RA) said:

‘When the companions of Allah’s Messenger (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) met on the day of eid, they would say to each other, ‘Taqaballahu minna wa mink (May Allah accept from you and us).”

[Al Mahamiliyyat; hasan isnad; see Fath ul Bari 2:446]

  • Who is a miserly person?

The most miserly person is one who is miserly with greetings.

Abu Hurraira (RA) said,

“The most miserly of all people are miserly with greetings. The weakest of all people is a person who is weak in [making] du’a (supplication prayer).” 

(Bukhari’s Book of Manners #1046)

  • Giving Salaam is one of the best acts

Abdullah bin ‘Umar (RA) said: 

A man asked the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) , 

“What is the best act of Islam?” 

He said,

“To feed others and give greetings of Salaam (peace) to those you know and those you do not know.”

 (Al-Bukhari, Muslim 1/65)

Acting upon the Sunnah makes a person the beloved of Allah Ta’ala. That is why one should act upon it punctually.

  • How to Greet Non-Muslims?

If one of the People of the Scripture (i.e., Christians and Jews) greets, you saying As-


Salaamu ‘alaykum, then say (to him):

Wa ‘Alaykum

And upon you. (Al-Bukhari, Muslim 4/1705)

Tip of the Week:

Inform the person you have back-bit, and after a short while, you will stop back-biting.

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