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Story of a Son and His Mother: The Power of a Mother’s Love

by | Dec 27, 2014

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In the annals of history, there are stories that stand as timeless testaments to the unyielding bond between a mother and her child. One such tale harkens back to the era of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and revolves around a son named Alqamah and the unyielding love of his mother.

Who was Alqamah?

About 1400 years ago, during the time of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), there lived a man named Alqamah. He was known for his devotion to Allah, spending his days in charity, fasting, and prayer. However, his life took a dramatic turn when he fell seriously ill, and his condition deteriorated to the point of being on his deathbed.

Seeking the Shahadah

One day he suddenly fell ill, his wife approached Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and told him that my husband is very ill and is on his deathbed. I came here to inform you about his condition.

Prophet (PBUH) sent his companions Ammar ibn Yasir, Bilal ibn Rabah, and Shuaib, and advised them to go to Alqamah. And to pronounce him the shahadah.

They went to Alqamah and found him in the pain of death. Then they asked Alqamah to say “La illaha illa Allah.” But his tongue was unable to pronounce “shahada”. They went to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and informed about the whole situation. That Alqamah is unable to pronounce shahada.

Prophet Muhammad SAW Asked About Son:

The Prophet (PBUH) asked, 

“Is either of his parents alive?”

They told the Prophet (PBUH) that his mother is alive but she is very old.

The Prophet (PBUH) asked to send her a message if it is easy for her to come. Then she should come to him. And if she is not able to come then she should stay in her house and the messenger of ALLAH would come to her.

Messenger of Prophet (PBUH) approached the old lady and informed her about the message of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). After hearing the Prophet’s message she said that my life is a ransom for him. It is my pleasure to go to the Prophet (PBUH).

The Mother’s Devotion

She went to Prophet (PBUH) and greeted him, and the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) exchanged greetings with her. And asked that umm e Alqamah, tell me the truth that what is situation concerning your son. Otherwise ALLAH almighty will reveal the truth to me.

She replied that dear Prophet (PBUH) my son is very regular in praying and fond of spending money in charity.

Prophet asked her “What about yourself”

She replied: “I am angry with him”

Prophet (PBUH) asked her “Why”?

According to her, he has prioritized her wife to me and has disobeyed me.

Prophet (PBUH) told her, “Umm Alqamah, your anger has stopped his tongue from pronouncing the Shahadah.”

The Decision of Prophet Muhammad SAW:

The Prophet (PBUH)  moved towards Bilal ibn Rabah and asked him to go out and collect a quantity of firewood.

She said, 

“Prophet (PBUH), what you are going to do with firewood?” 

The Prophet (PBUH) replied

I will burn Alqamah in front of your eyes.

Mother answered, Prophet (PBUH), 

he is my son! My heart cannot bear your burning him in front of me!”


The Prophet (PBUH) ) said,

“Umm e Alqamah, the punishment of ALLAH is much harder! If you want Allah to forgive the sin of your son, be reconciled to him. Fasting, praying, and spending money in charity (which he has done) is of no benefit to Alqamah as long as you are not pleased with him!”

She said, 

“Prophet (PBUH) ), I call upon Allah Almighty and His angels and the Muslims who are present here to be my witnesses that I am happy and pleased with my son Alqamah.”

The Prophet (PBUH) advised Bilal, to go to him and see whether he is now able to pronounce “shahada” or not. Maybe that Umm Alqamah is saying this in front of me which is not in her heart.”

Bilal ibn Rabah went to Alqamah, and while entering the door he heard Alqamah pronouncing, “La illaha illa Allah.”

Bilal ibn Rabah remarked, “It is surely true that while Alqamah’s mother was angry with Alqamah his tongue was tied, and now that she is pleased and happy with him his tongue is freed.”

Alqamah died the same day. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) came and ordered his washing and shrouding. And then prayed the funeral prayer and buried him.

Address of Prophet Muhammad SAW:

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) then stood by the side of the grave and said,

You company of Muhajirun (Emigrants) and Ansar (Helpers), if anyone favors his wife over his mother. Allah and His angels and all the people curse him! Allah does not accept his spending (in charity) and his uprightness.

Unless he repents toward Allah, the Glorious and Majestic. And reconciles with her and attains her pleasure, because Allah’s pleasure consists in her pleasure and Allah’s anger consists in her anger.”


The story of Alqamah and his mother serves as a powerful reminder of a mother’s love and forgiveness. It highlights the significance of maintaining a strong bond with parents and seeking their pleasure. Allah’s blessings lie in honoring and respecting our mothers, and their forgiveness holds the key to true peace and contentment.


  • What was Alqamah known for? 

Alqamah was known for his devotion to Allah, spending his time in charity, fasting, and prayer.

  • Why couldn’t Alqamah pronounce the Shahadah? 

Alqamah’s tongue was tied due to his mother’s displeasure with him.

  • What did Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) advise Alqamah’s mother to do?

The Prophet advised her to reconcile with Alqamah and find pleasure in him to release him from his silence.

  • Why did Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) ask for firewood? 

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) used this metaphor to emphasize the severity of Allah’s punishment compared to any earthly consequences.

  • What did Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) say about prioritizing one’s spouse over their mother?

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) warned that anyone who favors their wife over their mother will face Allah’s disapproval, and their deeds will bear no fruit.


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